Yes Viginia, booze is the answer

Yes Virginia booze is the answer.

If you are completely honest with yourself we all drink for a reason.

Sometimes that reason is simply that you want to have fun and get drunk, sometimes it’s more complex.

So you had a bad day and you want to ease the pain, take a drink.

So you ruined your life and you want to escape the guilt? or that you are in a deep depression and it’s all that keeps you from eating the barrel of a gun. Drink up!

We all have our reasons.

I usually drink an 8 oz glass of vodka before bed to help bring on sleep, that’s about 5 shots. That’s a good reason. Isn’t it?

Sometimes I drink because I like the way it gives me strength. Strength to face my demons. Strength to face the lonely night.

Other times I drink to forget, to forget my part in my own downfall.

Other times, happy times, I drink in celebration. That’s the best reason, getting drunk with family or friends.

I remember, through the haze, a time when all my siblings were together again for the first time in about twenty years, all of us in one place, having been long separated by life and distance. We drank a quart of moonshine. Sat huddled together remembering simple times when we were little. That was the absolute best reason, Celebration of a shared history and blood.

Today, mine is that it is hurricane season. Hurricane season brings with it the memories of the loss of a son. As night falls, those need to go…

A few drinks or 5 and then I forget why I started, perfect!

Yes Virginia, booze is the answer, today…

shaken, not stirred

©The Autobiography of Mr. Perfect, 2011, written entirely on my iPhone.

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3 Responses to Yes Viginia, booze is the answer

  1. Hmmm, is this what went through Church’s mind before he wrote the final article? The sad confidence of a man still lying to himself. Nicely done.

    • rlherb says:

      I’m sure of one just thing, we all fall far short of perfection, even the notion is in itself a denial of our humanity. I am firmly in that camp, unable to accept the possibility of being wrong…

      Thank you for your comment and thank Francis Church for imprinting that phrase in our collective psyche.

  2. Pingback: Inspiration Monday: the speed of dark « BeKindRewrite

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